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.Sunday, September 27, 2009 ' 10:23 AM Y
still luvin TOKIO HOTEL

ok there is a damn nice video of tom playing the piano. as in ballad kind of thing.
ok tokiohotelrocks.com
its damn nice
never knew he could play the piano
although i still maintian that i pefer the blond dreads.
but still ok
see bill's mohawk?
ok wait
o shoot cant load the pic in.
but once again, at thr
go see??
haha yayy
bye ppl!~~

.Wednesday, June 24, 2009 ' 12:53 PM Y
still luvin TOKIO HOTEL

YO! i went hk on sat!!! it was lyk last min... came back yesterdae. dun nid 2 go sch till wed! YAY(: heard the new songs!!! they are AWESOME!!! cant wait(:

Xi Ning

.Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ' 4:49 PM Y
still luvin TOKIO HOTEL

hi. before i start, i juz wanna sae tat u spelled dead wrongly. its 'dead' not 'dea'. but anyway, the 3pm class was awesome!!! it was upstairs(: brittany, kelly, rebecca, ming shan, another girl n james was there. we lyk drew(actually copied) a mindmap on separating mixtures. n we chatted alot. n we also had some food n saw the crystals. n we were lyk chatting the whole time n james was sleeping the whole time. but that doesnt really matter.
im lyk supposed ta study for my acc test but im kinda lyk slacking now cos i seriously cant be bothered. i also have an english letter writing test tmr n i haven studied too...... n i still have to write a letter to my friend. n i was lyk obsessed with killing ants juz now(go read my blog!). it was horrible!!! okay...... i really gotta do now. keep me updated on th kay?

i just killed another ant. n this is really stupid...... -_-

.Tuesday, May 19, 2009 ' 10:26 PM Y
still luvin TOKIO HOTEL

well, u were complaining that the blog was dea. so i will do my best to revive it! ok tomorrow is the track meet. between hci and ny. sian. but at the least one more day to do hw. that, and xining, u and weiting didnt conme on the same leson! omg i was nearly bored out of my skull. thank good ness najwa came. if not i would have died of boredom. thanks to najwa. and how was the 3pm class? was it all so magical? forgive me if i sound sacarstic today. i really dont mean it. it just that today my class was way too hectic.. when it came to the submission of stuff that is. but the funny thing is that almost everyone in my class likes the drama serial boys over flowers. so every break we will kick up the computor and watch... haha LAADEEEDA

.Sunday, May 17, 2009 ' 8:01 PM Y
still luvin TOKIO HOTEL

THIS BLOG IS SO DEAD!!! Im gonna revive it somehow...... im lyk chionging my work now but im super bored (cos its lit. what do you expect?) anyway, didnt go 4 11.30 tuition on sat. miss everyone there...... went 4 the 3 oclock class. was qutie fun. drew a mindmap there. n chatted wif everyone. n Kelly, Brittany, Ming Shan n Rebecca was there. plus a few other ppl(: btw jia rui, u got any new pic of Tom? could ya show me pls??? lyk post it or smth. :P and.....................




.Tuesday, May 5, 2009 ' 9:33 PM Y
still luvin TOKIO HOTEL

hey its me here. ok this is ridiculous. i have homework but i do not feel like doing it. like please! i am not a homework person. and it is way too early to sleep.
ok i had a rather weird dream some nights ago. i dreamt i was at this mall place thingy. then i saw this gal walking past with a TH shirt. i thought nice shirt wonder where she got it from... then suddenly, a whole crowd of people wearing TH stuff marched past. i wanted to follow them but then i woke up. ok that was lame. im sorry... but ah well.
heya o think i should go now. and u n weiting r right! char siew rice is niiiiiiiiiiice~~


.Saturday, April 25, 2009 ' 10:11 PM Y
still luvin TOKIO HOTEL

yo!!! i was busy juzz now wif my georg project(which is not done yet!!!) n now i cant be bothered 2 do it so im blogging... btw, Tom dyed his hair black!!! i know that u know that already but im juz sayin la. I tink it looks nicer(: n hees very cute!!! btw jia rui, brittany is changin 2 the 3 o clock class!!! how??? shes leaving me alone!! smth lyk the maroon 5 song: won't go home without you ): jk la. anyway, im lyk bored now. n i dun feel lyk sleeping.


Jia Rui
Nanyang Girls' School
Smart, cute, funny and intelligent!(:

Xi Ning
St Nicholas Girls' School
Band Person
Not so smart, nice and gets high easily

Lastly, we all




Kaulitz Twins:D
Good grades
To fin hw):



Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Jia Rui(:


Brushes:Adobe Photoshop, x x
Leave the credits alone, thanks :D